2 Simple Ways To Customize A Ring For Your Husband

When it comes to getting a ring for your husband, it is likely going to be best to keep it simple. Men generally like rings that aren't going to be showy or flashy, but at the same time, they want the ring to be personalized to them and their style. Also, adding a little personalization to the ring can make it more special and show them how much you love them. However, the process of shopping for a ring for your husband and trying to determine the best way to personalize it for him can sometimes be a bit nerve-wracking because you want to make sure that the ring is perfect. Thankfully, there are some simple customizations that most men will love. This article will discuss 2 of these customizations. 

Add An Inscription To The Band  

One great way to customize the ring for your husband is to add some type of inscription to the band. You will first start off by picking a band that he is going to love, and from there, you can decide if you want the inscription on the interior or the exterior of the band or both. This inscription can be anything that you would like it to be and can be as long as you want, just as long as it fits on the band. Keep in mind that you can choose the font style and size as well, in order to make the words fit and look how you want them to. You can add something more public to the exterior of the band and perhaps something a bit more private to the interior. Simple words like "I love you" or "I'm grateful you are mine" are going to mean a lot to your husband and will make the ring a special treasure for him. 

Add A Single Diamond 

Even if your husband isn't big into diamonds, adding single diamond to the ring can look great and can still be very manly. This is going to be especially true if the ring has some type of significant meaning to your husband. For example, you can choose a diamond that is the color of his birthstone, the color of your birthstone, his favorite color, or the color of your child's birthstone. Since all of these diamond options are going to be meaningful and not just for show, he will treasure the diamond and always remember the meaning behind it. 

About Me

The Beauty of Turquoise

Since childhood, I’ve loved jewelry. When I was a kid, I enjoyed trying on the beautiful rings, necklaces, bracelets, and brooches in my grandmother’s jewelry box. Because of my admiration for her cherished pieces, my grandmother started buying me jewelry when I was 5 years old. Now that I’m an adult, I’m always looking for interesting items to add to my extensive jewelry collection. One of my favorite gemstones is turquoise. The earthy green tones of this gemstone are breathtakingly beautiful to me. Amazingly, turquoise is mined in my favorite mountain town. On this blog, I hope you will develop an appreciation for turquoise jewelry. Enjoy!